Creative Manifesto

I still remember when I found the Holstee Manifesto.
It was the spring of 2011. I was supremely angry, stressed out, over worked, under supported, confined to a desk that saw my butt for 13 hour days. I loved what I was doing (that's what kept me there for 13 hours straight day in and day out) but I hated the premise of it. I despised the demands that were put on me, I was basically operating a 3 person graphic design service all on my own. I'd break down and cry out of pure stress and frustration. All I wanted to do was give up but my passion for what I was doing kept me there.
Then I found it. The Holstee Manifesto. It said what I needed to hear.
Some aspects, I already knew. Like loving yourself and doing the things you love to do in order to find love - that's what led me to meeting my amazing husband B. I understood the absolute beauty in savoring every single last morsel of food I put into my mouth. Travel often, I would in the drop of a hat if funds weren't so necessary (I know there's argument there about this "money" thing).
But I couldn't Quit my job. Not yet.
Instead I found things to love about what I was doing, gave my boss an ultimatum - find me help or I leave on stress leave - and I immediately limited myself to 8 hours of work a day, that's all I was getting paid for, unless an absolute emergency required otherwise.
I also ordered a print of the Holstee Manifesto and it now hangs proudly in my office, reminding me to take control, share my passion and enjoy my life in every aspect possible.

Tonight, as I was supposed to be heading to bed, I stumbled on this video. It's a gem. A brilliant use of the Manifesto, put into another man's passion and creating something absolutely spectacular. I'd buy that print if I could too. (turns out I can)

For 2013 I endeavour to create my own Manifesto. One that better aligns with myself, my hubby and my future with my little family.

What would your Manifesto say?

Much Love,